The LIDAR_APPLY_COLOR command applies RGB(I) colors to points in a point cloud from a reference image. This command requires the LiDAR add-on license.

The command supports the following parameters:

  • FILENAME - specifies the LiDAR layer(s) to colorize. You can use * to use all loaded raster imagery layers. This is the default. This parameter can be listed more than once to specify multiple input files, like FILENAME="FILENAME_1" FILENAME="FILENAME_2". You can also pass in the description of the layer if it isn't based on a file, such as a layer created by the script. When running the script in the context of the main map view (including loading a workspace) you can also pass in the value 'USER CREATED FEATURES' to have the 'User Created Features' layer updated or 'SELECTED LAYERS' to have any layers selected in the Control Center.
  • COLOR_LAYER - specifies the source raster image or elevation layer for color values. This parameter can be listed more than once to specify multiple input files. The default is to use all loaded raster image and elevation data.
  • APPLY_NIR - indicates whether to apply the NIR band in addition to RGB. Specify YES or TRUE, or list the parameter without a value to include NIR.
  • APPLY_TO_ALREADY_COLORED_LIDAR - indicates whether to apply colors to layers that already have colors. Specify YES or TRUE, or list the parameter without a value to overwrite existing colors.
  • BAND_EXPORT_SETUP - defines the raster bands to use for colors. Required if APPLY_NIR is TRUE. Use the following format to specify what band from what layer to use for a given export band: output_band?input_band?layer_filename . So for example to assign the 4th (infrared) band in an export from the 1st (red) band in a previously loaded file name C:\data\input_file.tif, use the following parameter: BAND_EXPORT_SETUP="4?1?c:\data\input_file.tif". Note that you would include a separate BAND_EXPORT_SETUP parameter for each output band that you want to setup. If you leave off the filename then you all loaded data will be considered as input, with just the input-to-output band assignment being updated.
  • NUM_BANDS - indicates the number of BAND_EXPORT_SETUP commands. Required if APPLY_NIR is TRUE.