Create New Shape Features

Under the Create Area/Polygon Features and Create Line Features right-click popup menus there are options to create Arc, Circular, Elliptical, Rectangular, and Square area and line features.

For all of these shape types (except the rectangular/ square option where the coordinates are manually entered), click and hold the left mouse button at the center of the feature, then drag it until it is of the desired shape.

For Circular/ Elliptical features and Arcs, the default shape follows a circle and holding down the SHIFT key will dragging will result in an ellipse.

For Rectangular/ Square features, the default shape is a rectangle and holding down the SHIFT key will force the dragged shape to be square. Hold down the 'T' key when left clicking to start the shape, the start point will be treated as the top left corner of the feature rather than the center of the shape feature.

Choose the 3-point area or line rectangle creation options to enter a special mode for easily drawing rotated rectangles. Left click to start the rectangle, then left-click again at the end of the first side, then left click again when the rectangle shape is completed to create it.

Once the shape is finished, release the left mouse button and the Modify Feature Info dialog will appear allowing you to setup the label, classification, drawing style, and attribution for the new feature. See Editing Feature Attributes and Drawing Styles for more details.

Once the shape is completed, the Digitizer Tool will remain in the selected shape creation mode.  Left click to start drawing a new shape, or right-click to choose a different mode.