Feature Types Tab

The Feature Types tab provides the ability to specify default styling for unspecified vector features within a layer, based on built in or custom defined Feature Types.

Access the Feature Types tab from the Overlay Control Center, by double clicking on the layer or using the Layer Options button.

Feature Types are a set of descriptive categories with predefined visual styles that can be applied to vector data. The use of Feature Types can ease the cartographic workflows, so that consistent styling may be used across various workspaces. When the style for a feature type is changed in the Configuration, the symbology for all features that have been assigned that type will update.

For information on the built-in feature types, see:

Built-in feature types may be customized, but can not be removed.

Some file formats that use similar type designations for features create new feature types when they are imported, such as many of the vector chart, GPS and CAD based formats.