Inverse Calculations

An Inverse calculation is used to find the distance and direction (azimuth) between two points. For example, a user may need to know the distance between Point A and Point B (assuming that the coordinates of each point were known). The distance calculated is ellipsoidal distance, not actual ground distance. The source and destination coordinates must be referenced to the same geodetic datum to calculate Inverse.

Enter the coordinates of each point in an Inverse Calcuation, and Geographic Calculator will calculate the forward (A to B) azimuth/distance and the back azimuth/distance (B to A). Geodetic or Rhumb calculations may be specified.

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Note: Geodetic forward and back azimuths may not have a difference of 180 degrees unless the points lie on the Equator or a meridian (i.e. a great circle).

Note: For both Forward and Inverse conversions, when height values are entered, the distance is scaled to a height above the ellipsoid. For more information see Height Above Ellipsoid (HAE) Calculations