Customizing the Interface

The Geographic Calculator interface can be customized to the setup of the user's choice.  Most windows can be dragged and docked to the top, bottom, left, right or center of the interface.  Windows may also be minimized using auto hide or closed entirely. Notice the pushpin and "x" button next to the Project Manager title bar in the image below.  

To move a window click on it and hold the mouse button down while dragging the cursor. This will activate the docking crossbars shown in the image below.  Dragging the active window over the individual docking icons (left, right, top, bottom, center) will activate them.  The region of the main window that is highlighted will be where the active window is docked when the mouse button is released.  

If a section of the crossbar is not selected when the mouse is released, the window will remain free and un-docked.

Interface settings are saved when the application closes.

To restore the original interface configuration select View>Restore Default Layout. This option will return all windows to their default locations.