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GM_WebFormatExportOpts_t Fields

The GM_WebFormatExportOpts_t type exposes the following members.

Public fieldmApiKey
API key (used for Google Maps and Bing Maps exports)
Public fieldmBgMapName
Background map name - used for Google Maps export (ie. ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID, or TERRAIN) or Bing Maps (i.e. road, aerial, birdseye, canvasDark, canvasLight, or grayscale)
Public fieldmCustomTileFName
Custom definition for tile filenames. Use NULL for default for format. Use variables like %z for zoom, %x for column, and %y for row. For example, use "%z\\prefix_%y_%x.png" to do one folder per zoom level. The tiles are created in the path under the HTML filename path.
Public fieldmFlags
Export flags
Public fieldmFormat
Image format
Public fieldmMapDescription
Description for the map. Currently only used with MBTiles exports.
Public fieldmMapName
Name to use for map set
Public fieldmMapType
Type of MBTiles map. Must be "baselayer" or "overlay".
Public fieldmMaxZoomLevel
Maximum zoom level to export at (Google Maps, Virtual Earth/Bing Maps, and WorldWind exports only)
Public fieldmNumZoomLevels
Number of zoom levels to export (Google Maps, Virtual Earth/Bing Maps, and WorldWind exports only)
Public fieldmTileCount
OUT: Save how many tiles were saved (or would be if estimating with WebExport_OnlyGetTileCount)
Public fieldmTileSize
Pixel size of tile (i.e. 256, 512, 1024, etc.). Value of 0 results in default tile size (usually 256x256)
Public fieldmTranslucency
Translucency setting for new map (0.0 - 1.0). 1.0 is opaque. If 0.0 is provided, it will be assumed to be 1.0.
Public fieldmWWTilePath
Path to where WorldWind tiles should be stored. If NULL the path to the provide XML file will be used
Public fieldmXRes
X resolution for export (arc degrees for KML, meters for other, default of 0.0 is full resolution). Used to auto-select mMaxZoomLevel if not provided.
Public fieldmYRes
Y resolution for export (arc degrees for KML, meters for other, default of 0.0 is full resolution). Used to auto-select mMaxZoomLevel if not provided.
See Also