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Generates a density (heat) grid from the point features in a layer. The values will be based on either just the count of point features or the value of some attribute. The layer handle returned in aGridLayer must be closed with GM_CloseLayer when you are done with it.

See the definition of the GM_DensityGridParams_t type in the GlobalMapperInterface.h header file for a description of what options are available when generating the density grid. The default options are all a value of zero so you can just pass in a zero'd out structure to get the defaults if you want.

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_GenerateDensityGrid
GM_LayerHandle_t32              aPointLayer,    // IN: Layer to get points from
const GM_DensityGridParams_t*   aGridParms,     // IN: Parameters for generating density grid
GM_LayerHandle_t32*             aGridLayer      // OUT: Created density grid layer