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The GM_ConvertCoordPixelToGround function converts a coordinate between pixel space and the current projection. The conversion space can be either the last drawn coordinate space or the caller can provide the coordinate space to work in.

GM_Error_t32 GM_ConvertCoordPixelToGround
sint32                  aPixelX,        // IN: X Coord in pixel space
sint32                  aPixelY,        // IN: Y Coord in pixel space
double*                 aGroundX,       // OUT: X Coord in current projection
double*                 aGroundY,       // OUT: Y Coord in current projection
const GM_Rectangle_t*   aWorldBounds,   // IN: World bounds to convert from or NULL for last drawn
const GM_PixelRect_t*   aPixelRect      // IN: Pixel bounds to convert from or NULL for last drawn 