Click or drag to resize


Sets what to display in the currently open 3D view window. The 3D view window will be opened if necessary.

GM_Error_t32 __stdcall GM_3DSetView
GM_LayerHandle_t32*     aLayerList,     // IN: List of layers to drape on top of terrain or NULL for all
uint32                  aLayerCount,    // IN: Number of layers in list (0 for all)
GM_DrawFlags_t32        aDrawFlags,     // IN: Flags controlling how the draw is performed
const GM_Rectangle_t*   aWorldBounds,   // IN: World bounds to convert from or NULL for last drawn
const GM_PixelRect_t*   aPixelRect,     // IN: Pixel bounds to convert from or NULL for last drawn 
uint32                  aReserved       // IN: Reserved (set to 0)