Manage GPS Vessels

The Manage GPS Vessels command will display the Manage GPS Devices dialog (pictured below). This dialog displays a list of all GPS devices that are currently being tracked and provides the ability to modify several settings related to the GPS devices, such as device icon and track style, allowed boundary, etc. This dialog can be considered the central command center for fleet management operations when tracking multiple GPS devices through a compatible receiver.


The dialog buttons perform the following functions:

Right-click on the device list for additional options, including the ability to set text to display when hovering over the device with the mouse cursor on the map, as well as the ability to group the devices and set styles by group.

Tracking Multiple GPS Devices

Global Mapper supports tracking multiple GPS device locations using the following options: 

his works with the multi-plexing hardware that merges position information from multiple GPS devices in to a single NMEA stream with special sentences. We support the following: