Export PDF/Geospatial PDF File

The Export PDF File command allows the user to export any or all of the loaded data to a Geo-enabled PDF file. These are standard PDF files that can be read in Adobe Acrobat Reader. They also will have geopositioning information embedded in them so that mapping applications like Global Mapper can automatically display the data in the PDF at the proper location.

When selected, the command displays the PDF Export Options dialog (below) which allows the user to setup the PDF export. This dialog consists of a PDF Options tab, a Tiling tab, and an Export Bounds tab.

The PDF Options tab allows the user to setup the PDF-specific export options. The following sections are available:

Page Setup

Page Size - The page size setting controls the target paper size for the export

Orientation - This setting controls whether the target page uses landscape or portrait orientation

Fill Page - If checked, your specified export bounds will be expanded to fill the entire page if necessary. If you do not check this option, only your exact export bounds will be exported with the rest of the page remaining blank.

Resolution (DPI) - This setting controls the resolution (dots-per-inch) of your output. Larger values result in more detail being stored in the created PDF file, although the resulting file will also be larger.

Border Style - Pressing this button brings up a dialog allowing you to setup the style of the border line drawn around your data

Export to Fixed Scale - If you choose the option to export to a particular scale, the generated PDF file will have the specified scale. The specified export bounds will be adjusted around the selected center point to have the scale specified. If you specify a scale of 0 then an appropriate scale for the specified bounds and paper size will be calculated and reported to you, with a prompt to cancel the export or continue with the calculated scale.


This section allows you to setup the size of the white margins around your data

Header/ Footer Setup

Header - Allows you to specify a header text to draw in the top margin of the output file. You can include %SCALE% in the header text as a place-holder for the scale that the export is done at.

Footer - Allows you to specify a footer text to draw in the bottom margin of the output file. You can include %SCALE% in the header text as a place-holder for the scale that the export is done at.

Header and Footer Placement - The dropdown to the right of the header and footer allows specifying the placement of each on the page. Choose from the following options:

Layer Naming

This section controls how layers in the created PDF will be named. You can access PDF layers in the Acrobat Reader. Naming options include: using layer Attributes layer names, using the Feature Type/Description as Layer Name, the feature type name/description will be used as the layer name in the PDF file and using the Source File Description as Layer Name - The Control Center layer name for the layer that the feature is in will be used as the PDF layer name.

Other Options

Point Symbol Scaling Factor - Specifies the scaling factor to apply when rendering point symbols to the PDF file. For example, use 2.0 to double the size of your point symbols in the final PDF file, or 0.5 to make them half the size.

Label/Font Scaling Factor - Specifies the size scaling factor to apply when rendering feature labels to the PDF file, allowing you to easily grow or shrink all labels written to the PDF file. For example, use 2.0 to double the size of your labels in the final PDF file, or 0.5 to make them half the size.

Use JPG Compression for Raster Layers - Specifies that any raster layers exported to the PDF will be compressed in the PDF file using JPG compression. While there may be a slight loss in quality by using this option, the resulting files are typically much smaller and in most cases you cannot notice any loss in quality, so it is recommended to use this option.

Combine Raster Layers into a Single PDF Layer - Specifies that if multiple raster or gridded elevation data sets are involved in the export, they will be combined into a single layer in the generated PDF file rather than each staying in a separate layer in the created file. This will result in smaller files, but you won't be able to individually turn different raster files on and off when viewing the PDF file.

Embed Fonts - Specifies that any fonts used that might not be on every system will be embedded in the PDF file. Using this option will basically guarantee that your text will display the same on any system, but unless you are using an unusual font the increase in PDF file size might not be worth it as most users would have your font anyway.

Use Adobe ISO 32000 Extensions - If unchecked, we will use standard GeoPDF georeferencing.
If any of the point features being exported contain an attribute with LINK in the attribute name and a value either pointing to a valid web URL or a local file, then a clickable hot-spot will be embedded in the generated PDF file allowing you to click the location and pull up the web page or file from inside Acrobat Reader.

Use Map Background Color as PDF Background Color - Check this option to use the background color of the map in the PDF export.

The Gridding panel allows the user to split up the data into regularly spaced tiles on export if desired rather than just exporting a single file.

The Export Bounds panel allows the user to select what portion of the loaded data they wish to export.