Edit Fly-through Path

After selecting the Edit Fly-through Path tool, the Fly-through Path Properties dialog will open with information about the Fly-through path. Here you may edit the path and camera and elevation modes used to create a fly-through video with your 3-D data.

To edit or generate View data, specify the Camera Mode settings under Auto Generate Fly-through Data.

  Straight Ahead – The camera will always point along the flight path.

  Fixed Direction – The camera will always point at the given heading (degrees from north, positive eastward) and pitch (degrees
 from the horizontal, positive up).

  Fixed Point – The camera will always point at the given point in space, given in global coordinates.

To specify or edit the elevation mode, choose one of the following settings:

  Absolute – The camera elevation at each key frame will be the specified elevation value.

  Relative to Ground – The camera elevation at each key frame will be the specified elevation value above the ground level at that
 point. When using this mode make sure there are key frames at each peak along the flight path.

  Use Existing – Use the elevations already defined for the line feature.